Pitesti, Romania.
This is where it all starts,
almost 10 years ago.
Pitesti, Romania.
This is where it all starts,
almost 10 years ago.
That was when we started giving wings to transport businesses, transforming the way they move things.
Now, we are here, with 310 employees and over €14.5 million in sales generated at this location. We are exponentially growing year after year and we are not planning to slow down any time soon.
Adaptability to the ever-changing world. Through continuous innovation and transformation.ADAPTABILITY
Adaptability to the ever-changing world. Through continuous innovation and transformation.
Transparency in relations with partners. Through dialogue and mutual understanding of common challenges and opportunities.TRANSPARENCY
Transparency in relations with partners. Through dialogue and mutual understanding of common challenges and opportunities.
Faith in our own strength when thinking together. Faith in Romania and in the chance of Romanian businesses and those with foreign capital but operating in Romania to become globally competitive.FAITH
Faith in our own strength when thinking together. Faith in Romania and in the chance of Romanian businesses and those with foreign capital but operating in Romania to become globally competitive.
Respect for people. People are the most important value a company can have.RESPECT
Respect for people. People are the most important value a company can have.
Focus on finding solutions. There is always a solution.EVERYTHING
Focus on finding solutions. There is always a solution.

in innovation
is key
in innovation
is key
This is why working with modern, updated trucks is crucial to business efficiency.
At the same time, we use technologized processes everywhere we can, in order to offer our clients the best experience they can have, while working with us. Because speed and precision are essential elements for the transport industry.
at A&C,
we value people.
at A&C,
we value people.
Because, even if sometimes our trucks are the ones to take the spotlight, people are the ones who actually make the truck wheels go round.
Transport managers who plan, map and supervise everything, dispatchers who actively help the team deliver and, of course, the drivers, our first-line warriors.


They say that with great power, comes great responsibility. And when you operate a lot of trucks, you implicitly operate with a lot of fuel.
This is why it is our responsibility to take the best care we possibly can and ensure our practices comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the environment.
We try to use environment-relevant resources in the most cost-effective way possible. These are just some of our current efforts to support sustainability:

Training our drivers for more fuel-efficient driving.
Carrying out our maintenance and service works in specialist workshops.
Using computer scheduling and navigation, in order to prevent empty runs.
Using only vehicles that meet the current standards for exhaust and noise emissions.